So, what exactly is The Elective?

Have you ever seen a news story that looks something like this:

"Yesterday Deputy Administrator of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau David M. Wulf testified before the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Data Security regarding the agency's proposed rule pertaining to the purchase of..."

...and yawned and wondered why they're acting like anyone cares or even knows what any of that means?

The news sucks.

But it's awkward when someone asks you about a huge news story and you're clueless. They look at you like you're crazy. How could you not know about that election/huge earthquake/policy debate?

You try to read or watch the news. But it always feels like starting the MCU with “Avengers: Endgame.” Why is the boss called Secretary? What's a caucus? What's so special about a special election? Why are old people always mad about stamps?

Keeping up with politics and the government shouldn't feel like drinking from a fire hose. It should be simple.

The good news is it can be. No PhD or BS detector required. Here's the deal:


  1. Subscribe to our email newsletter (it’s free!)

And we'll:

  1. Tell you what's happening each weekday

  2. Make you smarter about politics/government/the world

  3. Make you laugh (I hope)

It'll be quick (5 minutes tops), easy to read, and light on drama. So if you haven't already, scroll down and toss your email in that box. You won't regret it. I promise.

— Grant Lanier, founder of The Elective

PS: That agency up top — The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau — is real. The TTB. Over 500 people work there. That can of seltzer you have to drink every time you try watching the news? The TTB approved the label design.